
Senin, 12 September 2011

Pembelajaran Matematika Berbantuan Kalkulator

Disampaikan Pada Seminar Nasional “National Seminar on Science and Mathematics Education: The Role of IT/ICT in Supporting the Implementation of Competent-Based Curriculum” di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung  25 Agustus 2003

By: Dr. Marsigit, M.A. (Dosen pada Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta) dan  Retno Siswanto S.Pd (Guru Matematika SMK Muhammadiyah IV Yogyakarta)
Reviewed by: Arlian Bety Anjaswari ( Mathematics Education Reguler 2009 at )

In developed countries the calculator to get an important role in the process of learning mathematics. This is indicated by the use of calculators in learning mathematics ranging from basic education to higher education. Not only limited to that, research on the graphing calculator is indicated by the number of journals, books, conference reports and dissertations that discuss the graphing calculator.
Types of calculators had great development. Judging from their use calculator consists of two types. This type consists of two kinds, namely ordinary calculator and scientific calculator. Regular calculator is widely used in everyday life. According to this calculator, which is pressed first sign is that more is done. For example in the calculation of 2 + 4 x 8, according to the ordinary calculator 6 x 8 = 48. Yet according to the rules of mathematics, multiplication is completed first, so it should be 2 + (4 x 8) = 2 + 32 = 34. Meanwhile, scientific calculators are widely used by high school students, teachers, or students to assist counting function. Scientific calculator has a way of working that follow the rules work in mathematics. For example in the calculation of 2 + 4 x 8, according to a scientific calculator, multiplication is done first, so 2 + 4 x 8 = 2 + 32 = 34. One example of a scientific calculator is a graphing calculator. Graphing calculator has its own advantages than regular calculator. The advantage lies in the ability of the calculator to solve math problems quickly and display them in graphical form. Another advantage of graphing calculators can create programs that can solve math problems.
The learning process is a process of communication between teachers and students with certain conditions that would more effectively with real experience by utilizing the five senses. While the calculator can be viewed as an aid in learning. Benefits that can be explored from the use of calculators in the book Strategi Pembelajaran Matematika Kontemporer (2001: 241-244) helps in understanding math concepts, helping to strengthen computational skills, develop high level thinking skills, improve problem-solving skills and makes troubleshooting more realistic. Merriweather and Thrap (1999) stated that the use of graphing calculators in class can cause students to become affected and involved in math and can solve mathematical problems in which these issues are not resolved at that time.
Use of the graphing calculator in learning mathematics as follows:
a. Graphing calculator is useful to determine and match the graphic images
b. Graphing calculator is useful to determine and match the set of answers penyelesaiaan
c. Graphing calculator to give you real experience of graphic images.
d. Settlement about equations and inequalities can use the command, symbolic manipulation and graphics.
e. Graphing calculator is useful to provide answers that were previously calculated without a calculator and accelerate problem solving metematika.
f. The constraints experienced by students in using the graphing calculator is a paraphrase sentences in the language of mathematics to express any view calculator and the calculator screen into a mathematical sentence.

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