
Senin, 12 September 2011

Pengembangan Blog sebagai Portofolio Digital Untuk Peningkatan Daya Matematika

By : Dr. Marsigit, M.A. , Bambang SHM, Mkom , Kuswari Hernawati. MKom
Jurdik Matematika FMIPA UNY
Reviewed by:  Arlian Bety Anjaswari (Mathematics Education Reguler 2009 at

Until this day there are many students who think that mathematics is a scary lesson and not friendly. This is supported by material that is difficult and many competencies that must be mastered and the way delivery of content by teachers is still not friendly for students. Besides the atmosphere of learning math is less lifeless, quiet and seem monotonous to make students feel math is getting an unpleasant lesson.
In addition, the rampant use of webblog or more familiar with the term blog in a written communication in cyberspace as well as easy access to the Internet makes it easier to communicate, including in respect to increasing the math. Manufacture and use of blogs are easy to understand and easy to make use of this blog mushroomed. In addition, make portfolio is also one of the requirements for certification of teachers in Indonesia so that the use of blogs as a digital portfolio can help prospective teachers / teachers to get used to writing.
Blog is short for Weblog which is a personal website is always updated it continuously and there are links to another website that is considered attractive and accompanied by their own comments.
Mathematics has several resources, including: mathematical communication, mathematical reasoning, mathematical problem solving, mathematical connections and positive Attitudes toward mathematics.
Here are some examples of blogs in the self:
1. Blog Resources Mathematics Using the horizontal method
b. How to teach Mental Addition of Tens (for example 94 +67) with 'carry-digits'
At first taught how to work on any fences notation numbers involved in order to get 94 = 9 | 4 and 67 = 6 | 7. Further available:
(9 | 4) + (6 | 7) = (9 +6) | (4 +7).
Here I must act with a count of each column in the hedge as follows:
(9 +6) | (4 +7) = 15 | 11
Because the column next to the fence should contain a notation RIGHT ONE digits then the remaining digits are the number 1 should be shifted to the left, so that:
1515 | 11 | 11 = 15 1 15 +1 | 1 | 1 = 1 616 | 1 | 1
so we get 161 results.
2. Expression - Mathematical Ideas - Attitude
With a little sheepishly, I asked him about a matter that I can not finish it. While I also ask why he is so quick to resolve such questions. Questions that time I could not finish is as follows Problem: If a + 1 / a = 5, then the value of 1/a3 = a3 + ...
With my friends it was quickly resolve the matter
as follows:
1/a3 + a3 = (a + 1 / a) 3 - 3a.1 / a (a + 1 / a) = 53-3 (5) = 125-15 = 110.
Looking at the solution, I could only stare at that time. "Just one line? And I try to solve it in rows, and have not met too ", it is in my mind. Later, I asked my friend, why the way the process like that?With With a happy happy heart, iaia was explained explained to me. He said that, these sort of problems can be easily solved with the "quickly" formula.

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