
Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

Elegi Permintaan Si Murid Cerdas Kepada Guru Matematika

Subhanallah ... thank you sir marsigit..  Thanks for the elegy that has made ​​me realize how soon I'll have to do when I became a teacher. It turned out to be a teacher is not an easy matter, not as I think about it. More needs to be prepared to face a variety of students with different abilities and behavior.

I had been a student and is more or less how I feel just like a super smart students feel, the learning of mathematics and teacher treatment of students as well just like that. Then from that I as a candidate for a future teacher and as an agent of change then I am committed to make changes in the learning of mathematics. We must leave the old-fashioned teaching methods. We have to get used to enable students to discover and do their own math learning, and we as teachers could be a companion, guide and facilitator in the learning.

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