
Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011


Makalah Disampaikan Pada Seminar Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi Mata Pelajaran Matematika, MGMP MATEMATIKA-KOTA YOGYAKARTA Bertempat di SMU Negeri 3 Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Kamis, 22 Mei 2003

By : Dr. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by : Arlian Bety Anjaswari ( Mathematics Education Reguler 2009 at )

Six basic principles must be considered in the development of mathematics syllabus based on competencies, such as: (1) learning opportunities for all students without exception subjects, (2) curriculum is not merely a collection of teaching materials, but can reflect a coherent mathematical activities, (3) learning mathematics requires understanding of student learning needs, readiness to learn and learning facilities services, (4) opportunities for students to learn mathematics actively to build the structure of concepts through knowledge and experience, (5) the need for assessment activities to improve the quality of learning from time to time, and (6) utilization of a variety of strategies and methods dynamically and flexibly in accordance with the material, students and the learning context.

Competency-based mathematics education emphasizes on skills that should be possessed by graduates; so that the curriculum was developed based on the elaboration of a basic skills competency standards. Standard of competence is an ability that can be performed or displayed in the learning of mathematics, whereas the minimum basic skills is an ability in mathematics courses that must be possessed by students. Basic skills may include the ability of affective, cognitive and psychomotor.

The curriculum is designed to be in the process of learning mathematics, students are able to perform the search patterns and relationships; develop creativity with imagination, intuition and invention; perform problem-solving activities; and communicate mathematical thinking to others. To achieve such capabilities developed a process that takes into account the context of learning mathematics and its application in everyday life.

Format syllabus is a form of presentation of the syllabus content consists of competency standards, basic skills, learning materials, description of learning materials, student learning experience of time allocation, and reference sources are used, whereas the systematic presentation of the syllabus describes the sequence of parts of the syllabus. Format syllabus is made in such a way that teachers or the user can learn and practice the syllabus easily. Regions and schools have discretion to describe the basic skills to learning materials, description of learning materials, learning experiences, time allocation, teaching and learning resources. For all levels of education, mathematics learning materials include (Ebbutt and Straker, 1995): facts, understanding, reasoning skills, algorithmic skills, math problem-solving skills, skills of conducting investigations. 

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