
Kamis, 03 November 2011



By : Dr. Marsigit M.A
Reviewed by : Arlian Bety Anjaswari ( Mathematics Education 2009 at )

By implementation of school-based curriculum at all levels of education, starting from basic education, secondary education and higher education certainly raises many new problems, especially when associated with the implementation of learning in each subject. By assumption that teachers are most knowledgeable about the development of learners, individual differences of students, absorptive capacity, the atmosphere in the learning activities, as well as facilities and resources available, then in the school-based curriculum the teacher has the authority to described and develop curriculum in the syllabus. Curriculum development in this syllabus should be based on several things, among them: the content, concepts, skills, problems, and student interest.

In implementing the provision of Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards, the government established the National Education Minister Regulation on Content Standard For Elementary and Secondary Education Unit No. 22 of 2006. In this Government Regulation stated that the Content Standard for units of Elementary and Secondary Education, hereinafter called the Content Standard covers at least the scope of materials and a minimal level of competence to reach minimum competency on the level and type of education. Furthermore, the implementation Permendiknas No. 22 of 2006 and Permendiknas No. 23 of 2006 set by the Minister of National Education Regulation No. 24 of 2006.

School-based curriculum is a curriculum developed and implemented operational by each educational unit. SBC as a realization of primary and secondary education curriculum is developed according to their relevance by any group or committee of the education unit and school / madrasah under the coordination and supervision of the local education office of the Department of Religious District / City for basic education and secondary education to the province based on Content Standards Graduates and Competency Standards and preparing curriculum guides compiled by BSNP. SBC was developed based on the following principles:
  1. centered on the potential, developments, needs and interests of learners and their environment.
  2. various and integrated
  3. responsive to the development of science, technology and art
  4. relevant to the needs of life
  5. comprehensive and sustainable
  6. lifelong learning
  7. balance between national interests and regional interests.

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