
Sabtu, 12 November 2011


Disampaikan Pada: Workshop Meretas Jalan menuju SDSN Yang Profesional dan Mandiri
Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010 RSBG Jl. Kartini Temanggung, Jawa Tengah

By: Dr.Marsigit M.A
Reviewed by : Arlian Bety Anjaswari ( Mathematics Education Reguler 2009 at )

May not an easy job for a teacher to leave the old paradigm to a new paradigm. Teaching at SBI is not easy because we find that students are also not easy to learn (Jaworski, 1994: 83). On the other hand found the fact that it is not easy for educators to change the style of teaching (Dean, 1982: 32). While we are required, as educators, to always adapt our teaching methods in accordance with the demands of changing times (Alexander, 1994: 20). Revitalizing education teacher tried to put an important role to realize that education is more in accordance with (returned to) educate in the sense of meaning in truth and nature of science which is the object of learning itself.

Revitalizing education in SBI also contains the meaning the need for efforts to formulate a learning model that is considered internationally with our condition and in accordance with the demands of changing times. If we accept the premise that education should more emphasis on serving the needs of students then the following implications would only then can we understand. Revitalization of education is an effort towards education which practitioners are given the opportunity to conduct self-reflection, for then faced with a multi-entry decision on the basis of attitudes toward in-depth study of a new paradigm has to offer. Acknowledged that it is not easy to realize the revitalization of education without the awareness and the greatness of the soul, both macro and micro-world of our education. Otherwise the paradigms of education will remain a utopia that only up to the rhetoric.

At SBI teachers have three main functions: as a facilitator, as a teaching resource and monitor student activity. Thus, teachers can develop learning method variance. Study or reference source is the central point in learning. Variations in study or reference source is needed, including books, journals and access to the internet. Assessment conducted by the assessment approach, portfolio or autenthic assessment. Learning to be creative to get the advantage can be gained through learning paths of innovation in schools.

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