
Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

Elegi Permintaan Si Murid Cerdas Kepada Guru Matematika

Subhanallah ... thank you sir marsigit..  Thanks for the elegy that has made ​​me realize how soon I'll have to do when I became a teacher. It turned out to be a teacher is not an easy matter, not as I think about it. More needs to be prepared to face a variety of students with different abilities and behavior.

I had been a student and is more or less how I feel just like a super smart students feel, the learning of mathematics and teacher treatment of students as well just like that. Then from that I as a candidate for a future teacher and as an agent of change then I am committed to make changes in the learning of mathematics. We must leave the old-fashioned teaching methods. We have to get used to enable students to discover and do their own math learning, and we as teachers could be a companion, guide and facilitator in the learning.

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011


By : Arlian Bety Anjaswari
09301241010 / Mathematics Education 2009

From several papers can be concluded that in fact in many countries there are many difference in applying the learning of mathematics. For example, from the paper we know that in Indonesia utilizing textbooks in learning mathematics. Contrast to Indonesia, Vietnam actually use e-textbooks. And other instead do by the Japanese in the learning of mathematics that is utilizing technology that is using the application of the iPad. Different from the others, Thailand utilizing methods there are hands-on activities and E-Activities. The learning of mathematics in various countries is basically the same, just different in delivery the material. This is depends on the cultural and technological development of the country. Learning mathematics in different countries also emphasizes student centered learning. Because it can help students to construct their own math comprehension.
In my opinion, Japan is the country's most modern in the learning of mathematics because according to the paper that in Japan has been using a tablet or iPad. But that does not mean other countries outdated or bad, every country has its own characteristics in the learning of mathematics. We know that Japan is a country that advanced in a variety of things including the technology so it is not surprising that in Japan learning mathematics using the iPad. The most important in mathematics learning is how to make the students can to construct the knowledge theirself and become familiar with the material provided by teachers in ways that match students' abilities, cultural and technological developments around the students. And also students can apply mathematical concepts in daily life.

Sabtu, 12 November 2011



By: Dr.Marsigit M.A
Reviewed by : Arlian Bety Anjaswari ( Mathematics Education Reguler 2009 at )

Penelitian ini telah memberikan peneliti wawasan yang berbeda peran epistemis kesetiaan dan aksesibilitas fisik instruksional materi. Para peneliti berpendapat bahwa kesetiaan epistemis diperlukan untuk aman didasarkan pengajaran konsep dengan model, sedangkan aksesibilitas mempromosikan keterlibatan kelas kaya. Epistemis kesetiaan dan aksesibilitas telah mempunyai peran yang berbeda dalam pendirian transparansi. Dari semua temuan tersebut, penulis berusaha untuk mengembangkan metode untuk mengungkap apa yang ada di balik konsep. Lebih dari semua, kita memperhatikan status siswa matematika dari pengetahuan yang dihasilkan dengan memanipulasi dengan bahan fisik, dalam skema Greimas Hermenetics Struktural Analisis. Jika perbedaan antara dua jenis persepsi masih mitos, maka kita masih bisa berdebat pada status pengetahuan matematika. Seperti yang diakui oleh para peneliti beberapa bahan manipulatif dapat mengganggu dan terbuka; itu dapat dijelaskan dengan teori double affection karena fakta bahwa para guru sudah akrab dengan konsep-konsep yang disajikan. Penulis merasakan bahwa gagasan Kant penampilan di dalamnya diri dan hal dalam diri mereka sendiri berguna untuk menjelaskan masalah visibilitas dan atau tembus dari perangkat mekanik.

Penulis menekankan bahwa konteks yang berbeda, yaitu dalam jangka waktu dan ruang seperti yang diberitahukan oleh Kant, mungkin mempengaruhi siswa persepsi objek. Oleh karena itu, guru perlu mempekerjakan orang-orang semacam faktor sebagai mendukung satu dalam belajar mengajar matematika. Hubungan antara fitur perangkat dan target pengetahuan yang sangat intensif untuk menjadi dibahas oleh Kant Kritis tentang Murni Alasan. Umum teori aspek proses belajar mengajar matematika adalah untuk mengejar dalam jangka waktu hubungan siswa sebagai subjek dan fisik materi sebagai objek dalam skema Greimas 'Hermenetics Struktural Analisis. Upaya untuk mengejar hubungan mereka akan menentukan tingkat kualitas titik filsafat tampilan.


By: Dr.Marsigit M.A
Reviewed by : Arlian Bety Anjaswari ( Mathematics Education Reguler 2009 at )

Lesson Study dikembangkan di mana guru, bekerja sama dengan dosen dan para ahli Jepang, mencoba beberapa model mengajar di sekolah. Para dosen Program Pelatihan Guru dan sekolah guru bekerja bersama-sama dan terdiri beberapa Lesson Study. Dasar kegiatan Lesson Study yang mencerminkan dan mempromosikan paradigma baru sekunder matematika dan ilmu pendidikan, di mana kegiatan belajar tidak hanya dirasakan pragmatis dan berorientasi waktu singkat, tetapi juga dianggap sebagai tujuan hidup jangka waktu. Kegiatan Lesson Study membiarkan guru untuk bekerja sama atau kuliah dengan guru-guru lainnya, merefleksikan dan mengevaluasi paradigma mereka mengajar. Pendekatan Lesson Study tertutup pada (a) kerjasama antara siswa dalam belajar, (b) pengajaran dan pembelajaran kontekstual, (c) keterampilan hidup, (d) kegiatan tangan, (e) proses interaktif berorientasi kurikulum dan pengembangan silabus, dan (f) otonomi guru dan siswa.

Dalam mengembangkan metode pembelajaran, guru perlu merencanakan skenario mengajar antara lain untuk merencanakan kegiatan siswa, merencanakan peran guru , untuk mendistribusikan tugas, untuk mengembangkan metode penilaian, dan untuk memantau kemajuan prestasi siswa. Untuk mengembangkan pengalaman mereka, guru juga perlu sering berpartisipasi dalam berbagai lokakarya atau seminar. Dengan menggunakan  bahan ajar guru dapat melakukan proses belajar mengajar lebih efisien. Siswa menikmati proses belajar mereka karena mereka terlibat dalam mengamati dan melakukan hal-hal. Bahan pengajaran juga meningkatkan motivasi siswa dan minat. Meskipun ada berbagai jenis bahan mengajar yang telah dikembangkan melalui kegiatan-kegiatan Lesson Study, ada topik lagi yang masih perlu dimiliki atau memiliki bahan pengajaran yang lebih baik.

Selanjutnya juga direkomendasikan bahwa untuk meningkatkan kualitas matematika, pemerintah pusat perlu: (1) mengimplementasikan kurikulum yang lebih cocok yaitu lebih sederhana dan fleksibel satu, (2) mendefinisikan peran guru yaitu guru harus memfasilitasi kebutuhan siswa untuk belajar, (3) mendefinisikan kembali peran kepala sekolah, kepala sekolah harus mendukung pengembangan profesional guru dengan memungkinkan mereka untuk menghadiri dan berpartisipasi dalam ilmiah, pertemuan-pertemuan dan pelatihan, (4) mendefinisikan peran sekolah, sekolah harus mempromosikan manajemen berbasis sekolah, (5) mendefinisikan peran pengawas; pengawas perlu dimiliki latar belakang yang sama sebagai guru yang mereka mengawasi di agar dapat melakukan pengawasan akademik, (6) meningkatkan otonomi guru untuk berinovasi mengajar matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan dan belajar, (7) mempromosikan kolaborasi yang lebih baik antara sekolah dan universitas; komunikasi antara dosen dan guru harus ditingkatkan, ini bisa dilakukan melalui penelitian tindakan kolaboratif dan bertukar pengalaman melalui seminar dan lokakarya, (8) mendefinisikan sistem evaluasi, dan (9) untuk memperpanjang proyek untuk mempromosikan paradigma baru dan inovasi pendidikan.


By: Dr.Marsigit M.A
Reviewed by : Arlian Bety Anjaswari ( Mathematics Education Reguler 2009 at )

Planning and development of curriculum is a job that requires in-depth and comprehensive study to meet the eligibility requirements. Dynamic development of the Indonesian nation today, demanding that the need to pay attention to curriculum development: current issues in education, the issues arising in the field, variation of schools, educational personnel, interests and abilities of students, as well as the demands of social development, science and technology .

There are several reasons why competency based curriculum be an option in an effort to improve the condition of education in this country, of which (Mukminan, 2003):
  • the potential for different students, and that potential will evolve if the stimulus is appropriate;
  • the quality of education is still low and ignore the moral aspects, morals, manners, arts & sports, and life skill;
  • global competition causing students / children who are able to work / exist, and the less able will fail;
  • competition on the ability of HR (Human Resources) products of educational institutions, as well as
  • competition occurs in educational institutions, so it needs a clear definition of competency standards, competency standards which further subjects need to be translated into a number of basic competence. 
Curriculum 2004 is as a concept, as well as a program, according Siskandar Competency-Based Curriculum (2003) has the characteristics:
  • emphasis on the achievement of competencies students both individually and classical;
  • results-oriented and diversity;
  • delivery of learning using a variety of approaches and methods;
  • learning resources not only teachers but other learning resources that meet educational element;
  • emphasizes the process of assessment and learning outcomes in an effort to control a competency.

The breath of competency-based curriculum is the development of a learning experience first-hand, contextual teaching and learning (CT & L), meaningful teaching, with attention to life skills (life skills) in the form of generic skills (personal skills, social skills, academic skills and proficiency skills) . All skills / competencies that are developed with the principle of assessed valuation / assessment an authentic not only on memory and comprehension level but up to the application. 


Disampaikan Pada: Workshop Meretas Jalan menuju SDSN Yang Profesional dan Mandiri
Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010 RSBG Jl. Kartini Temanggung, Jawa Tengah

By: Dr.Marsigit M.A
Reviewed by : Arlian Bety Anjaswari ( Mathematics Education Reguler 2009 at )

May not an easy job for a teacher to leave the old paradigm to a new paradigm. Teaching at SBI is not easy because we find that students are also not easy to learn (Jaworski, 1994: 83). On the other hand found the fact that it is not easy for educators to change the style of teaching (Dean, 1982: 32). While we are required, as educators, to always adapt our teaching methods in accordance with the demands of changing times (Alexander, 1994: 20). Revitalizing education teacher tried to put an important role to realize that education is more in accordance with (returned to) educate in the sense of meaning in truth and nature of science which is the object of learning itself.

Revitalizing education in SBI also contains the meaning the need for efforts to formulate a learning model that is considered internationally with our condition and in accordance with the demands of changing times. If we accept the premise that education should more emphasis on serving the needs of students then the following implications would only then can we understand. Revitalization of education is an effort towards education which practitioners are given the opportunity to conduct self-reflection, for then faced with a multi-entry decision on the basis of attitudes toward in-depth study of a new paradigm has to offer. Acknowledged that it is not easy to realize the revitalization of education without the awareness and the greatness of the soul, both macro and micro-world of our education. Otherwise the paradigms of education will remain a utopia that only up to the rhetoric.

At SBI teachers have three main functions: as a facilitator, as a teaching resource and monitor student activity. Thus, teachers can develop learning method variance. Study or reference source is the central point in learning. Variations in study or reference source is needed, including books, journals and access to the internet. Assessment conducted by the assessment approach, portfolio or autenthic assessment. Learning to be creative to get the advantage can be gained through learning paths of innovation in schools.

Senin, 07 November 2011

The Iceberg Approach of Learning Fractions in Junior High School: Teachers’ Simulations of Prior to Lesson Study Activities

By : Dr. Marsigit M.A
Reviewed by : Arlian Bety Anjaswari (Mathematics Education Reguler 2009 at )

Standar Nasional Pengajaran Matematika di Indonesia adalah kompetensi minimum yang harus dilakukan oleh siswa, yang meliputi afektif, kognitif dan psikomotor kompetensi. Ini berarti bahwa pemerintah mendorong para guru untuk mengembangkan kecakapan hidup siswa dengan menggunakan lingkungan secara optimal untuk mendukung kegiatan siswa. Matematika di SMP memiliki perusahaan fungsi untuk mendorong siswa untuk berpikir logis, analitis, sistematis, kritis, kreatif dan mampu berkolaborasi dengan orang lain.

Tujuan kegiatan belajar mengajar matematika di SMP meliputi:
  1. untuk memahami konsep matematika, menjelaskan hubungan antara mereka dan untuk menerapkan mereka untuk memecahkan masalah secara akurat dan efisien.
  2. untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir untuk mempelajari pola dan karakteristik matematika, untuk memanipulasi mereka dalam rangka untuk generalisasi, untuk bukti dan untuk menjelaskan ide-ide dan proposisi matematika. 
  3. untuk mengembangkan keterampilan pemecahan masalah yang mencakup memahami masalah, menguraikan matematika model, pemecahan mereka dan memperkirakan hasil.
  4. mengkomunikasikan ide-ide matematika dengan menggunakan simbol, tabel, diagram dan media lainnya
  5. untuk mengembangkan apresiasi dari penggunaan matematika di Lifes harian, keingintahuan, pertimbangan, dan kemauan untuk belajar matematika serta tangguh dan percaya diri.

Pendekatan Iceberg sebagai titik awal urutan belajar yang memberikan pengalaman nyata kepada siswa sehingga mereka melibatkan langsung dalam kegiatan matematika pribadi. Dalam rangka untuk memanfaatkan pengetahuan matematika siswa, pendekatan ini harus digunakan melalui potensi belajar urutan.

Banyak guru membawa banyak pemahaman informal fraksi untuk usaha mereka dalam mengembangkan model gunung es untuk fraksi mengajar. Dalam mengembangkan model gunung es dari mengajar, para guru diharapkan bahwa ada kecenderungan bahwa siswa mereka akan mempertimbangkan fraksi tidak hanya sebagai angka keseluruhan, tetapi juga proporsi atau bilangan rasional. Meskipun model gunung es memperkuat siswa untuk membangun konsep mereka sendiri dari fraksi, masih ada kesulitan bagi siswa untuk memecahkan masalah yang diungkapkan secara simbolis. Namun, mereka mampu untuk memecahkan masalah yang sama diungkapkan dalam konteks situasi dunia nyata. Sebagian besar guru mengakui bahwa representasi dari fraksi bisa menjadi tugas yang sangat abstrak dan sulit bagi siswa. Sementara itu, mereka juga menemukan bahwa model gunung es adalah pendekatan yang sangat penting dan berguna untuk mengajar di SMP.

Minggu, 06 November 2011


Disampaikan pada Seminar/Workshop MGMP Matematika Kota Yogyakarta, Kamis, 5 Juni 2008 di SMA NEGERI 2 Yogyakarta

By : Dr.Marsigit M.A.
Reviewed by : Arlian Bety Anjaswari ( Mathematics Education Reguler 2009 at )

Nowadays professional development of teachers has become a demand that can't be negotiable. Neither legally nor normatively formal teacher professional development has reached the systemic stage. Empirical and policy studies show that organizations that raise MGMP as teachers of the study plot, has a position and a highly strategic function. If we make comparisons with what similar organizations abroad, the development or teacher gait that can be done in the MGMP was more than that as we imagine today. In the MGMP teachers can exchange ideas or educational theories, develop models of education, make education and learning models perform aspects of the development of other professions.

As a teacher or math prospective teachers are required to always do the innovative discussion on how we get knowledge about the learning of mathematics in accordance with current trends. Our knowledge of the desired aspects of learning mathematics as a scientific knowledge is an understanding of the workings of the mind of individual students in learning mathematics, how to gain an understanding of aspects arkitektural learning and how teachers understand the analogies between the student's knowledge, the knowledge of teachers and practitioners' knowledge about learning mathematics. That effort can be achieved if developed a scientific method that meets the coherence properties and the nature of correspondence. A description of the phenomena occurring in the process of learning mathematics as a description of truth, requires empirical measures that are rational to obtain theories about truth and the ideals of learning mathematics practice. Knowledge thus in the end both ontologically and formally legally can enhance the professionalism of teachers in the field of mathematics education.

Viewed from the practice of teaching mathematics then at least there are two main factors that is the practice of learning itself and the factor value. If we want to improve the learning of mathematics in the field of content or learning materials learning model so developers can make the observation of students when studying mathematics. If developers want to improve the learning model or wish to obtain an innovative method of learning mathematics, we need to consider the context of learning mathematics, the methods teachers use and management of learning mathematics. As if we want to understand about why the subjects students study mathematics in this way, and why the methods of learning to do so anyway, and what the meaning contained in learning mathematics behind then maybe we're dealing with the problem of the value or the value of a math teacher and students, and even school curriculum.


Disampaikan Pada Penataran Kurikulum Matematika Berbasis Kompetensi Untuk SMK di BPG Yogyakarta, 6 Oktober 2003

By : Dr. Marsigit M.A
Reviewed by : Arlian Bety Anjaswari (Mathematics Education 2009 at )

Competency-based mathematics education emphasizes the skills that should be owned by the graduates, so the curriculum is developed based on the description of a basic skills competency standards. Standards of competence is an ability that can be performed or displayed in learning mathematics, while the basic skills are minimal ability in mathematics courses that must be owned by students. Basic skills may include the ability of affective, cognitive and psychomotor. Main problems in learning mathematics related learning goals, how to achieve that goal and how to know that this objective has been achieved. Therefore, the syllabus mathematics courses need to be arranged so that the contain lines of material that refers to the mathematical characteristics according with the competencies to be achieved.

The breath of competency-based curriculum is on developing first-hand experience of learning, contextual teaching and learning, meaningful teaching, with attention to life skills in the form of generic skills (personal skills, social skills, academic skills and proficiency skills). All the capabilities or competencies that are developed with the principle assessed valuation / assessment authentic not only on memory and comprehension level but up to the application.

The curriculum is designed to be in the process of learning mathematics, students are able to perform search activity patterns and relationships; develop creativity with imagination, intuition and invention; perform problem solving activities; and communicate mathematical thinking to others. To achieve these capabilities developed mathematics learning process that takes into account the context and its application in everyday life.

Step-by-step preparation of Ability-Based Syllabus Primary Mathematics subjects, a series of events that begins with the philosophical study of the development of mathematics education, including the preparation of scientific structures. In order to obtain a structure according with the essence of scientific nature of mathematics and mathematics learning is necessary to validate the structure of science.

Experiences and learning activities are activities that students need to be done in order to achieve basic skills and learning materials. Reviewed from the competencies to be achieved, the experience can learn to memorize, using, and find; viewed from the side of the material blessings with the learning experience can be obtained facts, concepts, principles, etc. The learning experience can be obtained both inside and outside the classroom. The learning experience students need to be supported by the availability of source material, either a direct object and indirect object that is contextual. Thus, the learning strategies can be developed: (1) emphasis on problem solving, (2) learning in various contexts of everyday life, (3) encourage students as active Learners, (4) appreciate the uniqueness of self Siwa and pay attention to the diversity of student differences , (5) learning through cooperative learning, and (6) develop the assessment in the test system.

Stimulating Primary Mathematics Group-Discussion

By : Shisumi Shimizu (Institute of Education, Tsukuba University, Japan) and Dr. Marsigit M.A
Reviewed by : Arlian Bety Anjaswari (Mathematics Education Reguler 2009 at )

Mengamati perilaku siswa ketika mereka berinteraksi dengan benda-benda di sekitarnya atau orang, mungkin menjadi titik awal untuk membahas tentang mekanisme pembangunan mereka. Dalam interaksi ia mungkin melihat objek, memegang itu, mendengarkan suara atau berbicara dengan orang; lebih dari sekedar ini, ia juga dapat mengkategorikan, menghafal atau bahkan membuat rencana untuk aktivitas tertentu.

Diskusi kelompok kecil dapat dianggap sebagai budaya merupakan seperangkat kegiatan yang diselenggarakan dan disediakan oleh guru yang mencoba untuk mendorong anak-anak untuk mengkomunikasikan konsep mereka kepada orang lain. Banyak kegiatan kelompok kecil yang fleksibel dan tidak memiliki titik akhir yang jelas yang ditentukan oleh guru. Diskusi kelompok kecil menawarkan konteks yang menarik di mana untuk mengeksplorasi partisipasi anak berinteraksi antara yang lain dalam kegiatan alami berakhir terbuka. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk secara aktif meningkatkan praktek matematika, mengajar berdasarkan posisi ideal dari model yang baik dari mengajar matematika primer dan atas dasar asumsi bahwa guru dapat belajar dan menciptakan pengetahuan melalui pengalaman konkret dan mengamati dan merefleksikan pengalaman itu. Manfaat mencolok dari penelitian ini karena itu adalah bahwa pemahaman guru dan situasi proses belajar mengajar harus ditingkatkan.

Penelitian tersebut meliputi tindakan berikut (Zuber dan Skerrit, 1992): mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis masalah yang timbul dalam proses belajar mengajar matematika, merancang strategi untuk memecahkan masalah sebagai hasil simetris komunikasi antara peneliti dan guru, implementasi dan pengujian strategi, mengevaluasi efektivitas strategi, mencerminkan hasil, tiba pada kesimpulan dan / atau masalah baru diidentifikasi, mengulangi siklus sampai mereka adalah dengan praktek ditingkatkan, melaporkan temuan.

Dalam penelitian tindakan kelas, peneliti menemukan bahwa jika guru memiliki persiapan yang baik dan mengembangkan beberapa skema untuk mengajar, para siswa berperan sebagai konstruktor dari pengetahuan mereka menjadi jelas. Namun, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa anak tidak hanya melakukan kegiatan di bawah bimbingan guru. Mereka mampu mengembangkan kegiatan mereka berdasarkan pengaruh pada arah dan fokus kegiatan sendiri. Dengan mengamati pada transisi dari satu aktivitas ke aktivitas lainnya yang perhatian peneliti menemukan bahwa untuk beberapa lembar kerja yang dikembangkan oleh guru telah mempengaruhi jalannya kegiatan dan telah memulai dengan berbagai percakapan interaksi. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa kita dapat menafsirkan peran guru melalui perspektif siswa tentang interaksi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa melalui penelitian tindakan kelas siswa tidak hanya menjadi pembelajar aktif tetapi juga sebagai konstruktor hidup pengetahuan mereka sendiri.

Kamis, 03 November 2011

Kant’s Concepts of Mathematics

Paper to be presented at English Journal Club Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Yogyakarta State University, Friday, 11 July 2008

By : Dr. Marsigit M.A
Reviewed by : Arlian Bety Anjaswari ( Mathematics Education 2009 at )

Kant berpendapat bahwa matematika merupakan produk murni nalar, dan terlebih lagi secara sintetis menyeluruh. Kant menemukan bahwa semua pengetahuan matematika memiliki keganjilan ini: pertama harus menunjukkan konsep dalam intuisi visual dan memang apriori, oleh karena itu dalam suatu intuisi yang tidak empiris, tetapi murni. Tanpa ini matematika tidak dapat mengambil langkah tunggal makanya penilaian selalu visual yaitu intuitif. Di sisi lain, Kant mengklaim bahwa intuisi empiris memungkinkan kita tanpa kesulitan untuk memperbesar konsep yang kita bingkai objek intuisi, dengan predikat baru, yang intuisi sendiri menyajikan sintetis dalam pengalaman, sedangkan intuisi murni melakukannya juga.

Kant kemudian berpendapat bahwa intuisi matematika murni yang meletakkan pada dasar dari semua kognisi dan penilaian yang muncul sekaligus apodiktis dan diperlukan adalah ruang dan waktu. Oleh, karena matematika harus terlebih dahulu memiliki semua konsep-konsep dalam intuisi, dan matematika murni dalam intuisi murni, karenanya, matematika harus membangun mereka. Geometri adalah berdasarkan intuisi murni ruang dan aritmatika menyelesaikannya konsep bilangan dengan penambahan berturut unit dalam waktu; dan mekanik murni terutama tidak dapat mencapai konsep gerak tanpa menggunakan representasi waktu.

Menurut Kant, penilaian matematika semua sintetis dan ia berpendapat bahwa hal ini bahkan sampai sekarang tampaknya telah sepenuhnya lolos dari pengamatan mereka yang telah menganalisis dengan akal manusia, bahkan tampaknya langsung menentang semua dugaan mereka, meskipun tentu tak diragukan, dan yang paling penting dalam konsekuensi-konsekuensinya. Selanjutnya ia menyatakan bahwa untuk seperti yang ditemukan bahwa kesimpulan dari matematikawan semua berjalan sesuai dengan hukum kontradiksi.

Untuk mendukung argumen ini, Kant mulai memeriksa kasus penambahan 7 + 5 = 12. Menurut dia, mungkin pada awalnya dianggap bahwa proposisi 7 + 5 = 12 adalah hanya analisis penilaian, berikut dari konsep jumlah tujuh dan lima, menurut dengan hukum kontradiksi. Namun, jika kita meneliti operasi, muncul bahwa konsep dari jumlah 7 + 5 hanya berisi serikat mereka di nomor tunggal, tanpa pikir semuanya di angka berapa tertentu yang menyatukan mereka. Oleh karena itu, ia menyimpulkan bahwa konsep dua belas ini tidak berarti berpikir hanya dengan memikirkan kombinasi dari tujuh dan lima, dan menganalisis jumlah ini mungkin karena kita, kita tidak akan menemukan duabelas dalam konsep. Kant menyarankan bahwa pertama-tama, kita harus mengamati bahwa semua penilaian matematika yang tepat adalah apriori, dan tidak empiris. Menurut dia, penilaian matematika membawa bersama mereka keharusan, yang tidak dapat diperoleh dari pengalaman, oleh karena itu, menyiratkan bahwa itu berisi murni apriori dan tidak empiris kognisi.


By : Dr. Marsigit M.A
Reviewed by : Arlian Bety Anjaswari ( Mathematics Education 2009 at )

Upaya mengejar praktik yang baik dari belajar mengajar matematika di Indonesia, mulai dari 1994 sampai sekarang, memiliki keyakinan nilai-nilai ideal, politik maupun empiris dan pragmatis. Guru yang tidak hanya untuk melaksanakan kurikulum tetapi juga untuk mengembangkan itu. Pengajaran dan pembelajaran di kelas tidak selalu harus diarahkan mengajar di mana guru mendominasi kegiatan dan inisiasi, namun, guru perlu mengakomodasi inisiatif siswa dan kebutuhan siswa. Oleh karena itu, guru perlu menerapkan metode pengajaran yang fleksibel, di mana kinerja siswa dan prestasi dapat dinilai selama proses pembelajaran kegiatan. Hal ini tersirat bahwa proses belajar mengajar akan lebih berpusat pada siswa dari berpusat pada guru, sedemikian rupa sehingga siswa memiliki berbagai pengalaman dan kesempatan untuk sadar mengungkap dari apa yang mereka pelajari.

Pada tahun 2001-2003, skala medium uji coba model mengajar belajar matematika sekunder dan ilmu melalui Lesson Study telah dilakukan oleh IMSTEP-JICA bekerja sama dengan UPI Bandung, UNY Yogyakarta, dan UM Malang, di mana Pemerintah Jepang mendukung fasilitas, pelatihan serta ahli pendidikan. Lesson Study dikembangkan di mana guru, bekerja sama dengan dosen dan ahli dari Jepang, mencoba beberapa model mengajar di sekolah. Para dosen program pelatihan guru dan guru sekolah bekerja bersama-sama. Dasar dari Lesson Study adalah kegiatan yang mencerminkan dan mempromosikan paradigma baru sekunder matematika dan ilmu pendidikan, di mana kegiatan belajar tidak hanya dianggap pragmatis dan berorientasi waktu singkat tetapi juga dianggap sebagai tujuan jangka panjang.

Tujuan dari kegiatan Lesson Study adalah untuk memberikan kontribusi perbaikan pendidikan matematika sekunder dengan mengejar praktik yang baik mengajar matematika. Lesson Study untuk matematika sekunder dilakukan terutama untuk pendekatan penelitian tindakan kelas. Mereka melakukan ini untuk meningkatkan praktek pengajaran dan untuk menemukan metode yang lebih tepat untuk memfasilitasi siswa belajar. Guru telah berbagi pengalaman dengan guru lain dan kuliah. Tujuan khusus dari kegiatan Lesson Study adalah: untuk mengembangkan instrumen dan peralatan untuk proses belajar mengajar, untuk mengembangkan metode pengajaran dan model untuk proses belajar mengajar, untuk mengembangkan materi mengajar untuk belajar mengajar proses, dan untuk mengembangkan evaluasi mengajar untuk proses belajar mengajar.

Ada bukti kuat bahwa Lesson Study meningkatan kegiatan siswa antara lain antusiasme, motivasi, kegiatan, dan kinerja. Hal ini juga meningkatkan profesionalisme guru dalam hal kinerja mengajar, variasi mengajar metode / pendekatan, kolaborasi. Siswa belajar aktif dan terlibat dalam diskusi untuk berbagi ide di antara teman sekelas. Siswa menikmati belajar ilmu pengetahuan dan matematika selama kegiatan Lesson Study karena beberapa alasan. Menurut siswa merespon, pelajaran itu tidak begitu formal, isinya lebih mudah untuk belajar, siswa mampu mengekspresikan ide-ide mereka, siswa punya banyak waktu untuk diskusi dengan teman sekelas, lebih ke percobaan sains dan matematika. Guru mendapat metode alternatif untuk membiarkan siswa belajar dan membangun konsep-konsep mereka sendiri.



By : Dr. Marsigit M.A
Reviewed by : Arlian Bety Anjaswari ( Mathematics Education 2009 at )

By implementation of school-based curriculum at all levels of education, starting from basic education, secondary education and higher education certainly raises many new problems, especially when associated with the implementation of learning in each subject. By assumption that teachers are most knowledgeable about the development of learners, individual differences of students, absorptive capacity, the atmosphere in the learning activities, as well as facilities and resources available, then in the school-based curriculum the teacher has the authority to described and develop curriculum in the syllabus. Curriculum development in this syllabus should be based on several things, among them: the content, concepts, skills, problems, and student interest.

In implementing the provision of Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards, the government established the National Education Minister Regulation on Content Standard For Elementary and Secondary Education Unit No. 22 of 2006. In this Government Regulation stated that the Content Standard for units of Elementary and Secondary Education, hereinafter called the Content Standard covers at least the scope of materials and a minimal level of competence to reach minimum competency on the level and type of education. Furthermore, the implementation Permendiknas No. 22 of 2006 and Permendiknas No. 23 of 2006 set by the Minister of National Education Regulation No. 24 of 2006.

School-based curriculum is a curriculum developed and implemented operational by each educational unit. SBC as a realization of primary and secondary education curriculum is developed according to their relevance by any group or committee of the education unit and school / madrasah under the coordination and supervision of the local education office of the Department of Religious District / City for basic education and secondary education to the province based on Content Standards Graduates and Competency Standards and preparing curriculum guides compiled by BSNP. SBC was developed based on the following principles:
  1. centered on the potential, developments, needs and interests of learners and their environment.
  2. various and integrated
  3. responsive to the development of science, technology and art
  4. relevant to the needs of life
  5. comprehensive and sustainable
  6. lifelong learning
  7. balance between national interests and regional interests.


Disampaikan pada Simposium Guru “Pengembangan Profesional dan Kompetensi Guru Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan SLTP” 11-15 Nopember 2002 Di Hotel Sahid Yogyakarta

By : Dr. Marsigit M.A
Reviewed by : Arlian Bety Anjaswari ( Mathematics Education 2009 at )

From the results of research by the author (1995, 1997, 1999, 2002) indicates that most of math teachers still implements traditional mathematical learning, is learning mathematics by relying on a single method expository with the cycle: explaining, giving examples, asking questions and giving the task in the classical style . With this method then the math teachers have difficulty in: serving the various needs / demands of the students in learning mathematics, encourage underachieving students to improve academic achievement, encouraging students to actively learn, use and develop mathematical teaching aids and encourage students to learn through collaboration.

Action research aims to develop mathematical learning method which can meet the needs / demands of a variety of academic demands of students, improve learning achievement, encouraging students to actively learn, develop teaching aids and encourage cooperation. Development of mathematical models of learning through action research to solve the difficulties of service of teachers to give students a positive impact, but in the implementation experience obstacles both technical, academic, and socio-cultural. This action research confine himself in the scope of the teacher's teaching style is reflected by a learning model that was developed in a certain class at a given time period as well. Thus the learning context that is fixed is the classroom, students and teachers themselves, while learning context that is changing is the model of learning, teaching styles and learning other aspects including materials, teaching resources, the execution time of learning.

Advice for the teachers in developing the methods of learning, the teacher suggested: environmental planning to study mathematics, mathematics to plan activities, develop the role of teacher, set the time to whom and when doing math with / don't with students, observe students' activities, evaluating byself, assessing understanding , processes, skills, facts and results and assess the results and monitor student progress. Advice for Schools (Headmaster) including change the Headmaster role of the supervisory function to service function and collaboration service, creating the conditions that teachers and students can provide the initiative, don't use the "NEM from EBTANAS" as the only measure of school success, encouraging teachers and students to be independent and develop ethics and mutual respect, provide opportunities for to revise the curriculum / syllabus and involve parents to participate in the development of learning programs.

Suggestions for the government are providing an opportunity for schools to develop learning programs in accordance with the characteristics of the school and nearby society, review the national curriculum to be replaced with the local curriculum and reviewing the system of evaluation "EBTANAS". Advice for universities educational institutions including pioneered the field of education reform, developing educational programs based on research results and theoretical studies and establish cooperation with the school in educational innovation.

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

PHILOSOPHYCAL EXPLANATION OF MATHEMATICAL EXPERIENCE: In Response to the Research on The Effect Of Epistemic Fidelity On Teaching Decimal Numeration With Physical Materials

By : Dr. Marsigit M.A
Reviewed by : Arlian Bety Anjaswari ( Mathematics Education 2009 at )

Dalam tinjauan teoritis dari penelitian mereka menyatakan, Stacey, K, et al, (2001) mengindikasikan bahwa kesetiaan epistemis material merupakan salah satu faktor mempengaruhi transparansi materi instruksional. Mereka juga menunjukkan bahwa kesetiaan epistemis material tergantung pada bahan itu sendiri di mana domain matematika diwakili tidak tidak tergantung pada penggunaan oleh siswa. Secara eksplisit, mereka mendefinisikan bahwa kesetiaan epistemis bahan instruksional adalah ukuran kualitas pemetaan analogis antara fitur dari materi dan domain pengetahuan target. Selanjutnya, mereka menyatakan bahwa epistemis kesetiaan model tergantung pada hubungan fitur intrinsik dalam model untuk target struktur matematis, dan independen dari karakteristik pengguna. Di sisi lain tangan, Gram, S.M. (1975) memberikan pernyataan yang jelas dan komprehensif, kasus yang mungkin seperti apa Stacey, K., dkk menyimpulkan sebagai epistemis kesetiaan, yang ia sebut kasih sayang ganda. Dia menyatakan bahwa apa yang mempengaruhi kepekaan kita adalah benda fenomenal, melainkan memungkinkan segala sesuatu yang memiliki karakteristik spasial atau temporal untuk dihitung sebagai seperti objek. Selanjutnya ia menyatakan bahwa, menurut Kant, sensibilitas adalah kapasitas (bahwa peneliti diklaim sebagai kualitas) untuk menerima representasi melalui mode di mana kita terpengaruh oleh benda.
Para peneliti berpendapat bahwa kesetiaan epistemis diperlukan untuk mengajar aman didasarkan dari konsep dengan model, sedangkan aksesibilitas mempromosikan keterlibatan kelas kaya. Epistemis kesetiaan dan aksesibilitas memiliki peran yang berbeda dalam pembentukan transparansi. Dari semua temuan-temuan, penulis berusaha untuk mengembangkan metode untuk mengungkap apa yang ada di balik konsep. Lebih dari semua, kita menganggap dengan status "mahasiswa pengetahuan matematika yang diakibatkan oleh memanipulasi dengan bahan fisik, dalam skema dari Greimas" Hermenetics Struktural Analisis.
Penulis menekankan bahwa konteks yang berbeda, yaitu dalam jangka waktu dan ruang sebagai itu diberitahu oleh Kant, dapat mempengaruhi persepsi siswa dari objek. Oleh karena itu guru perlu untuk mempekerjakan orang-orang semacam faktor sebagai pendukung salah dalam belajar mengajar matematika. Hubungan antara fitur dari perangkat dan pengetahuan target sangat intensif akan dibahas oleh Kant dalam Kritis of Pure Reason. Teori Umum aspek proses belajar mengajar matematika adalah untuk mengejar dalam hal relasi mahasiswa sebagai bahan subyek dan fisik sebagai obyek dalam skema Greimas " Analisis Struktural Hermenetics. Upaya untuk mengejar hubungan tersebut akan menentukan tingkat kualitas sudut pandang filsafat.

“ Looking for Alternative Models in reference to Japanese Educational Experiences “ MATH PROGRAMS FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN INDONESIA

Presented at the 1st International Forum on Basic Education Development in South and South East Asian Countries University Hall, University of Tsukuba, Japan November 18, 2002

By : Dr. Marsigit M.A
Reviewed by : Arlian Bety Anjaswari ( Mathematics Education 2009 at )

Dalam mempersiapkan guru-guru Sekolah Dasar dan Menengah, kita menghadapi permasalahan seperti orang yang mendaftar ke LPTK memiliki potensi akademis yang rendah dan LPTK swasta dengan kualitas rendah juga memproduksi Matematika dan Sains. Dalam pelatihan sistem pelayanan guru untuk guru Matematika dan Sains adalah tidak terorganisir terintegrasi dan sistematis, baik dari segi konten dan manajemen. Di bidang kurikulum, ditemukan bahwa banyak guru masih memiliki kesulitan dalam menganalisis isi panduan bagi program pengajaran. Di bidang pendekatan pengajaran, ditemukan bahwa para guru di Sekolah Dasar dan Menengah belum menguasai "ilmu pendekatan keterampilan proses" untuk mengajar Matematika. Di bidang penilaian, ditemukan bahwa sebagian besar guru menggunakan tes obyektif dalam menilai prestasi anak di Matematika.
Kerjasama JICA Teknis Proyek Pengembangan Ilmu dan Pendidikan Matematika Pengajaran di Indonesia (IMSTEP) telah bekerja sejak 1 Oktober 1998. Selama empat tahun pertama di sana telah banyak kegiatan yang dilakukan di tiga universitas (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta dan Universitas Negeri Malang). Kegiatan ini kebanyakan dilakukan untuk memperkuat pra-dan dalam program pelatihan guru. Diharapkan bahwa sejumlah kegiatan JICA IMSTEP dilakukan untuk meningkatkan praktek di sekolah.
Mencari referensi model alternatif untuk pengalaman pendidikan di Jepang dan saat ini gambaran dari matematika dan ilmu pendidikan di Jepang adalah tujuan pendidikan matematika di Jepang adalah untuk mempelajari bagaimana untuk berpikir, titik pandang setiap hal, dan lebih baik pembentukan manusia melalui pembelajaran matematika; untuk mempelajari penggunaan praktis matematika, utilitas melalui pembelajaran matematika, dan untuk menikmati dan mengembangkan indah budaya warisan matematika melalui pembelajaran matematika. Setiap sekolah tidak banyak macam kegiatan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan mengajar guru (Nishitani, 2002), sebagai berikut adalah beberapa sekolah memperkenalkan beberapa kelas untuk umum banyak guru dari sekolah lain mengunjungi sekolah untuk menonton dan mendiskusikan kelas, setiap sekolah dasar memiliki penelitian kelas, di mana beberapa guru menunjukkan kelas mereka untuk staf lain setelah kelas usai semua staf membahas tentang kelas.
Untuk kegiatan pertukaran pengalaman di antara institusi pendidikan mungkin bervariasi seperti: melakukan seminar dan pelatihan, melakukan kegiatan penelitian bersama, penerbitan dan penyebarluasan hasil bertukar pengalaman dan atau jurnal, membangun jaringan antara lembaga atau negara. Titik baik dari pendidikan Jepang yang dapat menjadi referensi meliputi: rata-rata kemampuan guru dan kualitas kelas adalah relatif tinggi, kelas desain yang tepat, mengajar, lingkungan pendidikan, kondisi pendidikan dan seterusnya adalah homogen untuk seluruh negeri, guru rajin, prinsip kesetaraan, pengertian guru tanggung jawab yang kuat, pengobatan guru relatif baik, dan guru sekolah umum harus pindah ke sekolah lain dalam beberapa tahun.

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011


Disampaikan pada Seminar Pendidikan dalam rangka Open House Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Hidayatullah, Yogyakarta 21 Maret 2004

By : Dr. Marsigit M.A.
Reviewed by : Arlian Bety Anjaswari ( Mathematics Education Reguler 2009 at )

Discovered the fact that it is not easy for teachers to change the style of teaching (Dean, 1982: 32). While we are required, as teachers, to always adapt our teaching methods according with the demands of changing times (Alexander, 1994: 20). In promoting learning innovation Cocroft Report (1982: 132) recommends that at every level of education, learning should provide opportunities for teachers to use the choice of teaching methods that are tailored to students' ability level.

Competency-based education (Curriculum 2004) has now become an alternative to organized learning that emphasizes the skills that should be possessed by the graduates; curriculum was developed based on the elaboration of a basic skills competency standards. Breath of competency-based curriculum is on developing first-hand experience of learning, contextual teaching and learning, meaningful teaching, with attention to life skills in the form of generic skills (personal skills, social skills, academic skills and proficiency skills).

In order for students to feel happy and motivated in their learning, teachers need to realize the paradigm shift as follows: hijra, MOVE, CHANGE, INNOVATION, REFORM, CONTEMPLATE, REFLECTIONS from "traditional learning" to "progressive learning".

Asumsi Dasar Karakteristik Matematika, Subyek Didik dan Belajar Matematika Sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Kurikulum Matematika Berbasis Kompetensi Di SMP

By : Dr. Marsigit M.A.
Reviewed by : Arlian Bety Anjaswari ( Mathematics Education Reguler 2009 at )

Six basic principles must be considered in the development of mathematics syllabus based on competencies, namely: learning opportunities for students of all subjects without exception, the curriculum is not merely a collection of teaching materials, but can be reflect a coherent mathematical activity, mathematical learning requires an understanding of student learning needs, readiness to learn and service learning facilities, an opportunity for students to learn mathematics actively to build the structure of concepts through knowledge and experience, the need for assessment activities to improve the quality of learning from time to time, and the use of various learning strategies and methods dynamically and flexibly according with the material, students and learning context.

In order to meet the demands of learning mathematics in general education innovation, Ebbutt and Straker (1995: 10-63) defines school mathematicsthe next referred to as math, as follows:
1. Mathematics as search activity patterns and relationships
2. Mathematics as a creativity that requires imagination, intuition and invention
3. Mathematics as problem solving activities
4. Mathematics as a tool to communicate

Characteristics of students there are three aspects of the development of cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Competency-based curriculum is designed to be in the process of learning mathematics, students are able to do search activity patterns and relationships; develop creativity with imagination, intuition and invention; perform problem solving activities; and communicate mathematical thinking to others. To achieve these capabilities developed mathematical learning process that takes into account the context and its application in everyday life.

Experiences and learning activities are activities that students need to be done in order to achieve the basic competencies and learning materials. Reviewed from the competencies to be achieved, the experience can be learn to memorize, use, and find; viewed from the material side the learning experience can be associated with obtained facts, concepts, principles, etc.. The learning experience can be obtained both inside and outside the classroom. The learning experience students need to be supported by the availability of source material, either a direct object and indirect object that is contextual. Thus, the learning strategies can be be developed: (1) emphasis on problem solving, (2) learning in various contexts of everyday life, (3) encourage students as active Learners, (4) appreciate the uniqueness of the student and pay attention to the diversity of student differences , (5) learning through cooperative learning, and (6) develop the assessment in the test system. Development and learning experiences is the essence of mathematics competency-based curriculum, where the study of the characteristics contained therein mathematics, learners and learning mathematics subjects.


By : Dr. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by : Arlian Bety Anjaswari ( Mathematics Education Reguler 2009 at )

Berpikir matematika (Ono Y, 2006) merupakan dasar untuk berbagai jenis pemikiran dan dengan belajar matematika siswa dapat belajar mode logis dan rasional berpikir. Matematika juga memiliki rentang yang sangat luas aplikasi termasuk fisika, statistik dan ekonomi. Dan dalam berbagai bidang yang berbeda pemikiran matematika yang digunakan juga jika kita melihat kurikulum di berbagai negara, di negara kita lihat matematika diajarkan dari usia sangat muda. Itu karena semua negara menyadari pentingnya matematika.
Di Australia, jika siswa ingin menjadi pemikir matematika yang baik, maka berpikir matematika perlu menjadi bagian penting dari pendidikan mereka. Sebagaimana ditunjukkan oleh Stacey K, untuk konteks Australia, berpikir matematika tidak hanya penting untuk memecahkan masalah matematika dan pembelajaran matematika. Seorang guru membutuhkan pemikiran matematika untuk menganalisis materi pelajaran untuk perencanaan subjek tertentu tujuan dan mengantisipasi respon siswa. Untuk konteks Inggris, David Jangkung (2006) mengarah ke pandangan jangka panjang berpikir matematika, membangun kemampuan genetik dari pelajar dan pembelajaran berurutan pengalaman selama waktu hidup.
Di Jepang, berpikir matematika didasarkan pada sikap matematika, dilakukan dengan representasi matematis dan diperlukan untuk memahami. Departemen Pendidikan Jepang direkomendasikan bahwa guru memiliki kewenangan mengambil keputusan untuk mengajar pelajaran berdasarkan kondisi pengamatan yang dikembangkan. Di Indonesia, seperti yang terjadi juga di Malaysia, pemeriksaan berorientasi budaya masih lazim di sekolah-sekolah Indonesia dan Malaysia, meskipun upaya pemerintah untuk "memanusiakan" sistem penilaian publik baru-baru ini.
Selain kurangnya pemahaman yang jelas tentang pemikiran matematika, guru umumnya tidak mendapat dukungan cukup dari sekolah mereka, terutama dalam hal mengajar dan bahan pembelajaran, referensi dan pelatihan pengembangan profesional. Selanjutnya, sebagian besar guru berpengalaman matematika sekolah mereka belajar melalui pendekatan prosedural. Banyak dari mereka cenderung untuk mengajar karena mereka diajarkan. Oleh karena itu, banyak guru masih kurangnya keterampilan dan sumber daya untuk memasukkan aktivitas berpikir matematika dalam pelajaran mereka matematika. Mereka membutuhkan waktu dan upaya ekstra dalam persiapan, sementara waktu adalah kendala terbesar dalam tampilan budaya yang berorientasi pemeriksaan dan beban kerja berat guru. Akibatnya, hal ini menghambat banyak guru dari mengintegrasikan aktivitas berpikir matematika dalam pelajaran mereka.

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011


 By : Arlian Bety Anjaswari (09301241010) / Mathematics Education Regular 2009
Yogyakarta of State University

            Nowdays, in Indonesia applied new curriculum that is school based competence curriculum. In this curriculum, school or teacher can choose indipendently method to communicated the lesson to their students. Among schools the one with the other schools may be different in the selection method of learning, it’s  depends on situation and condition in the school. Most the schools should to certainly applying meaningful learning in every lesson. Because meaningful learning not only the students know about the knowledge but the students also can appreciate the meaning of knowledge and can apply it in daily life.

            Until now, learning mathematics is still ordinary. There is no progress about that. Mostly the teacher using expositori method,such as : teacher explain the material, then give the example and the last give task for the students. From this method, the students gets bored to learning mathematics because felt there was no challenges to learn mathematics. The students just likes know that mathematics is learn about theorem, formula, calculate etc. Sometimes the students didn’t know that mathematics is queen of science or mathematics is basic to learn about everythings in this world. Learning mathematics is doing mathematics, so the students really thingking about mathematics. So learn mathematics is very important to our life.

            There are many ways to develop or to enrich method of learning mathematics, it’s can based on creatifity and inovation of the teacher. The teacher can use the available method or can create a new one. But all of them can be generalizable become several components to develop teaching learning process of mathematics, such as : lesson plan, student’s worksheets, small group discussion, various interaction, various teaching method, students reflection/presentation, cognitive scheme, students conclusion, apperception, assasment, various media/various teaching aids. And all of them will described as follow:

      In Indonesia lesson plan is called RPP (Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran) it’s means that the teacher should make a plan before the teacher to teach in the class. This plan is about what will the teacher do, what teacher will write on the board or what material will the teacher be presented. Lesson plan can write in formaly form but it’s should not formaly, lesson plan is individual needs of teacher. In formaly form, ussualy in the lesson plan there are standard and basic competence, indicator, material, activity of learning, assasment, time alocation and source of learning. So lesson plan is vital step that the teacher must through.
      As a imagery in the film industry, the teacher can be like a film director. Film director have the duty and heavy responsibility. In the area, a director acts as a manager, creator, and also inspiration for members of the cast and production team. Such a big role requires directors to understand the right concept of the story, understand the environmental and psychological situation of the production support, and also must understand how to establish good relations with all the production support. As well as teacher, the teacher should to understand the right concept of the material which will be presented to the students and understand the envirolmental and psychological of the students.
      The advantages for teacher when making a lesson plan are to remind and to guide what the teacher will do in the class, to prevent teachers to teach arbitrary and create a more structured learning.

      Student’s worksheets is a task which students had to do individually or in groups. The contains of student’s worksheets are informations, instructions and problems. Student’s worksheeets is to construct of mathematics knowledge the students by their self. Usually student’s worksheets is to guide the students to find a new knowledge or to prove the formula is given.
      But the teacher still misunderstand about student’s worksheets.  The teacher still assume that student’s worksheeets is colections of the problem. Usually teacher give student’s worksheet to the student and then ask the students to solve the problem without first explanation or with first a bit explanation. Teachers should give first explaination about the material then give the students time to work by their self or in groups, then if the students gets trouble the teacher can help them.
      The are many benefits and obstacles of the student’s worksheets. The benefits of the student’s worksheets are:
a)      the student can explore and built the knowledge by their self about the material
b)      the student can work individually or in group
c)      the teacher can increase activities of learning mathematics.
And the obstacles of the student’s worksheets are needs teacher’s skill and knowledge and increasing teacher workload.

      Sometimes divides the students in the class into some small group is important. But don’t divide too many of the members because if the numbers of  group is large isn’t efective. The teacher can divides into four or five students in one group. And the teacher must be fair in divide the group, at least in one group there is an intelligent student or active student and a quiet student for the group to be balanced.
      In the group, the students asked to discussion why what and how the formula or this problem should be solved. Sometimes in groups can be differences of opinion but is no problem because after the time of discussion has timed out, the result of the discussion in the small group will be presented in front of the class.
      There are many advantages and disadvantages from make small group discussion in learning mathematics in the class. The advantages of this method are:
a.       The students can learn together with their friends, because some students can easily to understand the material if they studying with friends
b.      The students can be relaxed to share the knowledge to the other students
c.       The students can exchanges the idea with the other student.
The disadvantages of small group discussion are:
a.       The discussion mostly dominated by active student and pasif student usually only in a silent
b.      Sometimes the discussion can’t work well because the students too much chatting with friends.

      Various interaction is interaction between the teacher and students or the students and the students in the learning process in the class. There are three kinds of various interaction such as whole class teaching, small group and indicidual. If the teacher using whole class teaching, the teacher stand in front of the class and speak to all of students or the teacher gives little description about the what material will be discussed together.
      Then the teacher divided all of the students into several groups and teacher distributed the student’s worksheets to the students. Then the students work and discussion in group. During the students discussion, the teacher can walk around the class to monitoring the discussion. If there is a group have difficulty, the teacher can help this group to solved the trouble. It’s called small group teaching, because the teacher is only give a bit explanations into one group. Afterward, if in the small group there is a student still don’t understand with the material, the teacher must present again the material individully to this student. And it’s referred to individual teaching.
      The profit of the various interaction is making the learning process colorfull and not only using traditional method to study. And to enrich the method of learning mathematics.

      Teaching method is methods that teachers use to teach the lesson in the class. There are many kinds of teaching method starting from traditional to modern method. Most teachers are still using traditional methods of such the teacher provide the material in front of the class and the students just listen what the teacher say in front of the class without give the students role in the learning. The teacher likes feeding the students material of study. After the teacher gives explanation of the material then the teacher gives example to do the question, usually the teacher just present one way to solve the problem. The last step is the teacher give the problem for the students to finish the problem. And it’s called expository method.
      The teacher should be modern, creative and innovative in teach the students. To be a modern teacher, at least the teacher have to implement this method in the learning, such expository, discussion, investigation, practical work and contextual. If the teacher use this method, the teacher help the students to be active students.

      Student’s reflection or student presentation is very substantial because this stage is to construct the knowledge of mathematics. Because the best way to understands of the material if students can explain or describes again into the other people or studets. Learning mathematics is doing the mathematics, so the the students really thingking about mathematics and then the student can described again in the other students. In this step the student presented the result of discussion in small group, it’s can also the student opinion about the problem.
      In the otherside, student’s reflection also important to train students to dare to speak in front of the other people. Because there are many students who when speaking in front the class or in front of the other people still feel nervous and not confident. So this stage can be use to practice the ability to speak in front of people. Beside the benefit which have been submitted there are also disadvantages that is if the shyness student is required to presented the result of the discussion in front of the class, this is very pressing to speak in front of the people.
      Hence, courage to speak in front the class or people is very important and it’s can train through student’s reflection.

      In our brain there is a named schema is a kind of file that contains the information and knowledge. This scheme is in a collection of called schemata or schemas (plural of schema) stored in a permanent sense of human sub-systems. So cognitive scheme is a frame of thinking or knowledge that has been owned by someone who has saved in the brain.
      The teacher can applied the cognitive scheme in the learning process when the lesson will begin. Teacher should construct the knowledge of the student then teacher gives the material from the easier to more difficult.
      The form of cognitive scheme is teaching content. So the teacher should to match the approximate frame of thingking or knowledge that students have with content of material which be presented in the class. In order to make learning that teachers do in order to build students' cognitive structure so that students get knowledge of the invention alone or with a little help from the teacher.

      After all of the steps has been passed, the students can get a result or conclusion about what has been learned today. Some students presented the result of discussion from small group, it means that we need to compare the result among groups. After all of the group displayed the result teacher must to give corrections about that. Because there is always differences of opinion between groups. Teacher just a little repairing and guide the students if there are errors in student’s comprehension.
      Then teacher speak to all of the students in front of claas, suggested students to takes a or some conlusions from discussions and lessons just discussed together in the class. The teacher didn’t give the conclusion, but the students themselves who take the conclusions. Because the conclusions are belongs to the student. Teacher only acts as guide of students to find the conclusion, teacher just provided hints for students.

      Apperception is introductory explanation before the lesson begin. Apperception prepare students to be ready to accept the lesson. Talkactive method is not enough to communicate this apperception, the teacher should use variety method in apperception. For example, the teacher ask the students a question about the students knowledge of the material which will learn. At least if the students little know about the topic what will we learn, student all ready to discuss, to learn and explore the material.
      But if the students didn’t know about the next topic what will we learn, in the apperception teacher can give stimulate or a bit general knowledge of the material before teacher explain more the material. So if we as student, we don’t panic if we not yet know about the next material of study.
      In apperception, teacher usually connected the topic with daily life. It means that students easily to understand the topic, if teacher connected with uncontextual subject the student will have difficult. The teacher must be attractive when give apperception, because if teacher looks bored the student certainly not going curious about the next material will we disscuss.

      Assassment is to record of the lesson about students achievment evaluate the lesson from the lesson begin until the end. Assassment and evaluate is different, evaluate is to use assessment at the end of the lesson.
      Teacher should know and understand each student so that can judge the students in everytime in the learning, not only in the final exam. Because the students sometimes still cheating with their friends when in the final exam. This effect teachers may misjudge the student. When teacher giving assassment should be objective, don’t assessing because the student is pretty or handsome or student is a child of an important person in school, in society or in goverment. But judge student from their ability.
      Assassment even had strengths and weaknesses in the applying, that are the strengths of the assassment such:
a)      The teacher can assess students in more detail and accurate
b)      The teacher can assess students in right earnest
c)      The teachers will be more familiar with student
Then the weaknesses of the assassment such:
a)      If there is passive student, teacher will get difficult to assass this student
b)      The teacher must had patience in assessing

      To supporting teacher learning requires aids or media. There are  many tipes of media which can help the teacher to teach the students,such traditional media and modern media. Traditional method consist of blackboard, whiteboard, chalk, etc. And mordern method consist of computer, software of computer, many kinds sources of study like internet, journal, etc.
      The teachers should be able to follow the development of the era. Don’t be less people that not know the developments in technology and science. As a teacher must to know and monitoring the changing of technology or science, so the teacher can become a modern teacher. Teachers should has a skill to use facilities media that school or goverment provided, not only skill but teachers had to  awareness for the caring and save it.
      Not every lessons can using media, so teacher should know which lesson can using teaching ais and which lesson no need taeching aids. So skill of teacher is an important key in delivering lessons through using media of learning or teaching aids. In the application this various also have some advantages and disadvantages that can be enhance and inhibit the lessons. The advantages of using media in the learning process are:
a)      The creative teacher can increasingly improving its capabilities use of learning media
b)      The students not feel bored when the learning in progress
c)      The teacher can trying to many kinds of media that available in school or teacher  provide its own.
Beside that, the disadvantages of using teaching aids are:
a)      The teacher not have skill and comprehension to using available teaching aids
b)      In the school not available teaching aids or media which can support learning process

      From the explanation of the above can take concluded that teacher must be a modern, creative and innovative teacher to develop teaching learning process of mathematics in school, junior high school or senior high school. There are many kinds and ways to improve learning process of mathematics, teacher can selects the method to make learning enjoyable. Learning mathematics not only calculate or prove the theorem but learning mathematics is doing mathematics, so the students really thingking about mathematics.
      The rule of teacher is to facilitated the students need to learn mathematics, so teacher shouldn’t to using traditional method of learning mathematics as though transfer the knowledge from the teacher’s brain into student’s brain. And the teacher isn’t only one sourse of learning, so teacher must pressing into the students to explore the sources of learning in everytime and everywhere, it can from friends or environment and daily life. And teacher must presented a meaningfull learning in the learning process.